The ABC’s of Safe Sleep


Following the ABCs is simple…


What this means you should do:

  • Give baby his own sleep space.

  • Make sure that the sleep space is 100% clear of blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, bumpers, rail covers, etc. The crib/bassinet should be completely empty with just a fitted sheet.

What this means you should NOT do:

  • Under no circumstances should your baby sleep in the same bed as another person, including a parent or sibling.

  • Do not try to make the crib/bassinet more comfortable by adding blankets or padding. Infant mattresses are intentionally firm to reduce the risk of suffocation and re-breathing of CO2.

  • Do not give an infant a lovey to sleep with.

  • This includes supervised naps too.


What this means you should do:

  • When you put your baby to sleep, always place him flat on his back. (This is also called “supine”).

What this means you should NOT do:

  • Never put baby to sleep on his stomach or side, even if he knows how to roll.

  • Never allow baby to sleep in a seated or inclined position due to the risk of positional asphyxiation.*


What this means you should do:

  • There are only 3 product categories that undergo mandatory safety testing for infant sleep: Crib, Bassinet, Play Yard. These are regulated terms. Your baby should sleep in a product that is specifically called one of these 3 names.

What this means you should NOT do:

  • Even if you are supervising, it is unsafe for your baby to sleep in a swing, in a bouncy chair, on any sort of cushion such as a Boppy, Snuggle Me Organic, or DockATot, on a couch, or an adult bed. (This list is not exhaustive).